Fixed siren corona placements in Police, Firetruck, Ambulance, Enforcer, Vice Cheetah, FBI Washington. Fixed corona lines rendering on non-NVIDIA graphics cards. Made the game select metric/imperial units basing on system locale settings. Keyboard input latency decreased by one frame. Extras on bikes now behave correctly, following bike lean and not floating in air. Car generator counters now work properly for generators with fixed amount of spawns. Fixed an issue which would cause games to freeze if III/VC/SA were running at the same time.
Bombs in cars stored in garages now save properly. All censorships from German and French versions of the game have been removed. Pathfinding for cars chasing the player has been improved. Metric-to-imperial conversion constants have been replaced with more accurate ones. Some car panels now are detached after car’s explosion (like they were meant to be but the code forcibly fixed them immediately after damaging).
FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING flag has been removed from IMG reading functions - speeding up streaming.Fixed a bug causing cheat-spawned melee weapons to be forcibly replaced by other melee weapons upon walking into a pickup.
Corrected crime codes for police dispatch audio - police dispatch now refers to player crimes correctly. Fixed ambulance and firetruck dispatch timers - they reset on New Game now. Free resprays will not carry on a New Game now. All texts now have proper shadows (depending on chosen resolution, without the fix they’d appear thinner etc. Reintroduced light glows under weapon/health/armour pickups, bribes, hidden packages and money pickups - they showed only on PS2 due to a bug in all PC versions. Wet road reflections render properly again (just like with Road Reflections Fix). Therefore it’s still recommended to play with Frame Limiter set to ON It doesn’t freeze on fadeouts anymore, although it still has issues with car physics, gravity and sounds. Game now performs a bit better on high FPS. Rosenberg’s lines which play when player is Busted work correctly now (just like with Rosie’s Audio Fix). More precise frame limiter, reducing lag spikes a bit when playing with Frame Limiter on. Mouse vertical axis does not lock during camera fadeins now. Mouse vertical axis sensitivity now matches horizontal axis sensitivity. Mouse will not go beyond the game rect now, allowing to play the game on multimonitor setups without problems. Mouse should not lock up randomly when exiting the menu on newer systems anymore. Fixed an issue where installing the game on A or B drive made the game ask for the CD. These options are enabled by default, unless stated otherwise. This modification attempts to fix some of them.įixes marked with can be configured/toggled via the INI file. These games are surely great, nonetheless they have some issues.